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About Nicci 

All my life I have been compelled to help others.  I always thought it would be in the conventional ways.


In 2010, I had my Au​​ra read.  This woman told me outrageous things like “you have strong psychic senses”  and  “you will be following a path of healing.”  My thoughts were: "Lady, you're crazy!  How could that happen?  I need to be in the corporate world helping to support my family." 


Needless to say, she wasn’t crazy!  Doors opened, while others closed, and I was able to become a Certified Energy Healer in June of 2014.  I finally found the passion for life that I had been missing all these years.  To lay hands of hope and healing on someone gives me gratification.  I can truly say "I love my job"


On a personal note, I am divorced after 21 years of marriage.  Found an amazing male partner who supports me and challenges me in healthy ways. I am also blessed to be the mother of 4 beautiful children, stepmom to a bonus child, ranging from adult to middle school age.


I enjoy pedicures, sunny summer days, a good belly laugh, the sound of rain, and the heavenly taste of dark chocolate (Dove is divine).


Having been told all my life, “You can’t save the world”...they're right, I can’t, but I can love on as many souls as possible.  

My Declaration: 

“I am a channel of truth and guidance offering freedom, hope, and lightness.  I see failure as growth.  I encourage imagination, intuition, and transcendence to those who cross my path.  I commit to self discovery, health and open mindedness so I may consistently connect with my true self. I now commit with ease and lightness of heart to teach the world illumination and self expression of our inner truth.”

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